Beyond Voter Lists, as an affiliate of AccuList USA, manages many quality mailing lists of donors to campaigns and causes. Please click on the list titles below to see complete datacards.

Donors to Campaigns by Party

AccuList Democratic Donor File

AccuList Republican Donor File


Donors by Cause/Appeal

AccuList Animal Causes Donors

AccuList Arts and Cultural Causes Donors

AccuList Children’s Causes Donors

AccuList Environmental Causes Donors

AccuList Health Causes Donors

AccuList Religious Causes Donors

AccuList Veteran’s Causes Donors


In addition, Beyond Voter Lists can call on extensive list brokerage research into thousands of effective campaign- and cause-related lists. Call 855-868-5478 or e-mail to request list suggestions tailored to your specific targeting by party affiliation (Democrats, Republicans and Independents); campaign type (from ballot initiatives to presidential campaigns); advocacy group affiliation; voter, donor, subscriber or buyer status; geographic and demographic parameters, and more.